Zinātniskā konference un briežu vērtēšana 2019

We kindly invite you to participate in the 12th annual conference on deer-breeding and deer stag valuation competition in Latvia, August 2019.

International scientific conference
“Deerbreeding – technologies, products and economics”
August 7th – 8th, 2019 

International event “Valuation of red and fallow deer stag
performance and genetic quality” – ANTLER COMPETITION

August 5th – 9th, 2019

More information: ENG info. fee 2019
To apply for participation please fill the Application form and send it to our office email: deerparks@inbox.lv

The agenda of the conference: Conference program 07.-08.08. ENG.RU
The agenda of deer stag valuation event: Programma 05.-09.08.2019.